
  • Tetto verde estensivo
  • Giardino pensile con fiori ed erbe aromatiche
  • Tetto verde inclinato
  • Tetto verde con pavimento di legno

Comunicati stampa attuali

Green roof on office building in Villamartín de Campos, Spain

The modern company headquarters of the family business, Farming Agrícola, which is involved in the agricultural sector, is proof of its innovative strength in all respects. Located on a 32 Ha site, with approx. 1,000 m² of planted roof area, this unique building is eye-catching from every side. The extraordinary structure gives the impression that it is rising gently out of the ground. This is due both to the roof areas that reach right down to the ground and the light and graceful elegance of the glass facades.

Car park roof in Ħamrun, Malta 

Climbing the steps to the roof of the car park at the Misraħ is-Sebgħa ta' Ġunju 1919 Place in Ħamrun will bring you to a restful green paradise where the interplay of colour, form and light will help you forget the hustle and bustle of the surrounding city.

Il sistema "Tetto spiovente", basato sugli elementi ZinCo Georaster®, consente l'installazione di tetti verdi con pendenze superiori a 20° e fino a 35°.

Roof garden of Porxos d’en Xifré, Spain 

High above the busy dockland area of Barcelona, a seemingly wild roof garden graces the historic building complex of Porxos d’en Xifré.

Valletta Design Cluster, Malta

950 trees, shrubs, ground cover plants, climbing plants, flowers and grasses across a roof area of 495 m² on a 400-year-old building – the design of the roof garden on the Valletta Design Cluster is as rich in detail and artistic as the entire infrastructure project in Valletta, Malta’s city of culture. The Design Cluster is the new heart of the artistic and cultural scene in Malta and the inspired roof garden is open to the public as a community space.



ZinCo sviluppa soluzioni su misura per la realizzazioni di inverdimenti duraturi. Leader nella progettazione di punti e linee vita integrati nel sistema a verde e senza la perforazione della guaina, sviluppa anche diversi sistemi per sfruttare le superfici dei tetti anche nella fase di costruzione o di manutenzione. Attraverso un sistema innovativo si possono combinare inverdimenti e impianti a pannelli fotovoltaici – sempre senza perforazione della guaina.